Monday, June 14, 2010

third room

Here's the room finished!!! Sorry the photos are not great ... I shall post some new photos later. The girls are being great sports about sharing a room. They are good girls! The 4yo is even packing up her toys to keep the room tidy. It also helps when the toys all have a place!


  1. Three beautiful girls I'd say!!! I think blogging is a very good motivator for kids...they do the most amazing things when they know you are taking pictures :)

    Thanks for following my blog..look forward to following yours and your GG's (gorgeous girls)

    Jeanne ;)

  2. What a totally gorgeous room Sheree! Jeanne's so right in her comments, I'm sure your girls are enjoying the blog thing as much as their Mum is.
    Millie ^_^
